Stationery Intentions

My A6 Stalogy came to an end this weekend. It was so fluffy by the end (I'll be tapping into my A6 Sterling Ink 520 page notebook next!)

I was feeling some stationery nostalgia the past two weeks. It’s probably because it’s almost planner launch and people have started talking about 2025. I spent some time perusing a variety of blog posts that came out in December 2023/January 2024 and looking at where people were headed. 2024 has definitely been a weird year so far (and will likely keep being weird), but these posts brought me some inspiration. Some of my favorites were:

  • Unwrapping a Writing Rhythm for 2024 by mnmlscholar - JP considered what he needed out of his writing space and how he hoped to get back into writing after changing jobs. I’ve been settling into a new job myself and it’s been a real challenge getting into the swing of things.

  • 2024 Stationery Intentions by Gathering of Curiosities - RB lays out their plans for the new year and how they are going to think about their collection. RB talks about spending more time with their collection and to think about process and seasonality (amongst other things). I’ve made myself a list of journal prompts regarding these concepts which I am working through.

  • Let’s Start 2024 by Well Appointed Desk - I like how practical Ana’s setup is. I’m still trying to hit my stride on the planning end of things as opposed to the journaling end.

  • Too Many Options: Planners and Life by A Fleeting Ripple - Dennis shares about some of the chaos that can come with trying to find a planner that fits and ones that they’d tried in the past. I like learning about different options and trying to decide if a different system or different way of thinking about it will help me get on track.

I even wrote my own at the beginning of the year. I already knew I probably wasn’t going to add any new pens unless something really cool appeared. I am tempted by the new blue Kaweco liliput, but I am probably going to hold off because I don’t really care for the aluminum ones - they just don’t have the weight of the copper or stainless steel. I knew I wanted a few nib grinds from a penmeister I hadn’t used before, which I achieved at the Chicago Pen Show working with Pen Realm. I also really wanted to figure out and use many of the inks that I haven’t touched in years. So far so good on that - I’m well on my way to reaching my goal of having only 20% of my collection unused. I currently sit at 27%. However, I know I’m going to hit a wrinkle on that come December… I may or may not have both the Diamine Inkvent Black Edition and the Colorverse Colorvent on preorder. My excuse is that I had gift cards… and that I’ve had so much fun with the Inkvent in the past and Colorverse is one of my favorite ink brands. If both continue… I’ll probably have to decide on which one I will get each year.

A few of the goodies I got myself for my birthday. :)

A intention that I had that has pretty much been abandoned at this point is my no-spend/low-spend. I intended this to be primarily on inks, stickers, and washi tape. Instead, I have decided to make sure I have uses for things before I buy them. And sometimes things are practical and sometimes they just bring me joy… which is a reason all on its own.

How are your stationery intentions looking so far this year?

A full fluffy Stalogy on top and a notebook below waiting in the wings!

Currently Inked

Ferris Wheel Press Knitted Nettle - Kaweco Art Sport Tiger’s Eye 14K BB CSI - When I was reviewing some of my notes from the beginning of the year I mentioned that green ink was growing on me. And I have noticed that I’ve been using green a lot more often. This is one of the more interesting green shimmers that I have since it is dark green with pink. The broad nib is really showing it off.

Colorverse USA series Wyoming Grand Prism - Kaweco Art Sport Terrazzo B ‘imperial’ - I’d been waiting to see what color Colorverse would choose for Wyoming. I’m not surprised they went with some Yellowstone National Park inspiration with the Grand Prism hot spring. This is a soft green-leaning turquoise. Not bad. I want to compare it to the Minnesota Sky-Tinted Waters.

Ferris Wheel Press Dancing Thyme - Kaweco liliput copper M stub - Sage greens are definitely one of those greens I am finding a lot of enjoyment with. Dancing Thyme has really great shading and it’s been fun in the stub nib.

Colorverse Strelka - Kaweco liliput fireblue 14K M ‘journaler’ - One of my favorite inks that I haven’t used in ages. It’s just such a great blue color and the flow is awesome in any pen.


Stalogy A6: I finished one!


To use a bound book or an insert? Or both?